


Guo Jingbin was elected as Vice President of China Cement Association
Date:2020-09-16 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

        At the second meeting of the eighth session of the China Cement Association that ended on September 15, 2020, Guo Jingbin, chairman of China Conch Venture Holdings Co., Ltd., was newly elected as the vice chairman of China Cement Association.On behalf of the Association, the Chairman of China Cement Association, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Anhui Conch Group Co., Ltd., Gao Dengbang, issued honorary certificates to the newly elected 6 Vice Presidents.


Issue a certificate


Group photo

        The China Cement Association is a national social organization voluntarily formed by members of enterprises, institutions and social organizations in the cement industry in my country. It is a self-regulatory organization that serves the industry, enterprises and the government, and serves as a bridge and link between the government and enterprises.


Conference panorama

        Since its listing in 2013, Conch Venture has always been based on the development of the environmental protection industry. Among them, the use of cement kilns to co-process industrial solid and hazardous wastes, municipal solid waste and other technologies has not only solved the problem of "garbage siege and waste siege", but also contributed to the transformation and upgrading of China's cement industry.


Chongqing Environmental Protection Solid Hazardous Waste Treatment Project


Yangchun Environmental Protection Solid Hazardous Waste Treatment Project

        Up to now, Conch Venture has established a cement kiln co-processing solid and hazardous waste treatment capacity of more than 7.5 million tons, and a co-processing capacity of more than 1.2 million tons of domestic waste.Conch Venture' s bench marking and leading role in the national cement kiln co-processing industry has been highly appreciated and recognized by the competent government departments and the industry, and has won the "China Cement Kiln Co-processing Technology Innovation Outstanding Contribution Award" and its subordinate project company obtained the demonstration project of cement kiln co-processing in China cement industry.


Conch Venture won the "China Cement Kiln Co-processing Technology Innovation Outstanding Contribution Award"

        Chairman Guo Jingbin expressed his gratitude to the industry and associations for their trust and co-opted him as the vice chairman of China Cement Association.After years of development, Conch Venture has gradually formed a multi-directional cement kiln co-processing system covering industrial solid and hazardous waste, domestic sludge, fly ash, contaminated soil, etc.Industrial structure tends to be perfect.In the next step, we will continue to promote the construction of environmental protection projects, continue to consolidate our position as a benchmark company in the domestic co-processing industry, and further promote the green transformation and upgrading of China's cement industry.

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