


Conch Venture Shizhu Environmental Protection Domestic Waste Incineration Power Generation Project Smoothly Connected to the Grid
Date:2020-09-14 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

        At 11:18 on September 9, 2020, Conch Venture Shizhu Environmental Protection domestic waste incineration power generation project 1×300t/d mechanical grate boiler domestic waste incineration boiler + 6MW steam turbine generator set was officially connected to the grid for power generation.


Connected to the grid at 11:18 on September 9, 2020

        The project is a key environmental protection project for Shizhu County People's Government to respond to the national circular economy development call, practice Beautiful China, improve the living environment, promote the integrated construction of environmental sanitation, and realize the harmless, reduction and resource utilization of waste in Shizhu County.After more than a year of multi-party coordination and overall arrangement by the company's leaders, as well as the joint efforts of all employees, various unfavorable factors and unexpected difficulties have been overcome, and the grid-connected power generation smoothly.

        After the project is completed and put into operation, it will process approximately 140,000 tons of garbage per year and generate approximately 33.6 million KWh of electricity per year. It will completely solve the problem of siege of domestic garbage in Shizhu County and realize the harmless, reduction and resource utilization of domestic garbage in Shizhu County.


On July 25, 2020, the first vehicle of domestic waste enters the plant

        As the company's first domestic waste incineration power plant invested and constructed in Chongqing, the project has received high attention and strong support from government leaders at all levels and has visited the project construction site many times to guide work.


On May 22, 2019, Shizhu County Deputy County Magistrate Ran Qiming visited the site


On March 22, 2020, Shizhu County Magistrate Zuo Jun visited the site

        During the construction of the project, the company leaders visited the site many times for investigation and guidance to help solve the practical difficulties in the process of the project and provided support in various aspects, which created conditions for the smooth operation of the project.


On-site inspection and guidance by Chairman Guo Jingbin on July 23, 2020

        In the next step, Shizhu Environmental Protection will fully rely on Conch Venture's resource advantages and rich management experience to further optimize the process and promote the steady increase of operational quality.At the same time, we will not forget our original aspirations and move forward to build the project into a Chongqing municipal solid waste incineration power generation environmental protection demonstration project and a social environmental protection education base to lead green development.

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