


Conch Venture’s Board Meeting Was Held
Date:2015-09-17 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

On 21 August 2015, the 7th meeting of the first session of the board was held at the room 525 in conch international conference center. The chairman of Conch Venture Mr Guo Jingbin conducted the meeting. The independent non-executive directors(“INEDs”) Mr Chan Chi On, Mr Chan Kai Wing, Mr Lau Chi Wah, the executive directors Mr Ji Qinying, Mr Li Jian, Mr Li Daming attended the meeting.

The meeting reviewed and approved about 5 resolutions, including 2015 interim unaudited accounting report, 2015 interim results announcement, 2015 interim annual report and so on.

At the meeting, all the directors seriously reviewed every resolution, deeply discussed with each other, and brought up some reasonable advice and requests.

At last, the Chairman, Mr Guo Jingbin represented the Company to show the gratitude to the INEDs and agreed with their opinion about management.

He hoped that the INEDs could provide more information about advanced technologies with their global horizons to help the Company to step up to a higher platform, and he also hoped that the entire Company could seize opportunities which will be brought by the ‘Thirteenth Five-year Plan’ to development our principal businesses, working hard to make better returns to our shareholders.

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