


Company Participated in the India’s Tenth Green Cement Summit
Date:2014-05-30 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

Following the successful contract signing of SVCPL Waste Heat Power Generation Project in India, in order to continue to explore the Indian Cement Market, the company participated in the tenth green cement summit held in Hyderabad, India on 15-16 May 2014.?

Summit’s theme is “Make the Indian cement industry achieve world-class level of green”, including renewable energy sources, waste utilization, waste heat power generation, energy conservation and other environmental issues were widely discussed on the summit. The summit attracted participants from ACC Cement Company, Lafarge Cement Company, Shree Cement Company and dozens of cement production companies in India, and cement equipment supplier such as FCB France, IKN Germany, totally about 300 people.

India is the world’s second largest cement producer country, but due to the country’s power shortage, making more and more cement production companies realize the importance of waste heat power generation, Indian market potential is great. During the exhibition, the company detailed explained features and technical advantages of cement kiln pure low temperature waste heat power generation system and municipal solid waste incineration via cement kiln, and actively collect project information for signing more purchase order in India.

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