


Conch Venture’s Board Meeting Was Held
Date:2014-04-21 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

Recently, first board meeting in 2014 was held in the meeting room 518 in conch international conference center. The chairman of Conch Venture Mr Guo Jingbin conducted the meeting. The independent non-executive directors(“INED”) Mr Chan Chi On, Mr Chan Kai Wing, Mr Lau Chi Wah, the executive directors Mr Ji Qinying, Mr Li Jian, Mr Li Daming attended the meeting.

The meeting reviewed and approved about 10 resolutions, including 2013 accounting report, 2013 results announcement, 2013 annual report, 2013 internal control report, 2013 annual profit distribution plan, 2014 annual general meeting notice and circular, 2013 annual general manager report, connected transactions, re-appointment of external auditors, appointment and re-election of directors and so on.

At the meeting, all the directors seriously reviewed every resolution, deeply discussed with each other, and brought up some reasonable advice and requests.

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