


The General Manager Mr.Ji Qinying visited Tongren and Bozhou cities
Date:2014-04-21 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

Recently, the general manager Mr. Ji Qinying, the deputy general manager Mr. Li Daming, and the secretary Mr. Su Mao of Conch Venture visited Tongren City of Guizhou Province, Bozhou City of Anhui Province to promote the Municipal Garbage Treatment via Cement Kiln (CKK) system and waste power generation via grate furnace system.?

In Tongren City of Guizhou Province, Mr. Ji Qinying and the delegates met with Mr. Li Minggang, the Secretary and Deputy Director of Tongren city Environmental Protection Depart. Both sides discussed about the detailed issues of Municipal Garbage Treatment via Cement Kiln project which will be constructed in Tongren city. Previously, Mr. Ji Qinying, Mr. Li Daming and Mr. Su Mao visited the siting of the project.

In Bozhou City of Anhui Province, Mr. Ji Qinying and the delegates met with Mr. Liu Hui, Bozhou Municipal Committee, the deputy Mayor, and leaders of Municipal Law Enforcement Bureau and Environmental Protection Bureau. After learning that waste incineration power generation project is under tender, Mr. Ji Qinying introduced the technical features and advantages of the waste power generation via grate furnace which cooperated by Conch Venture and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and he said that we would actively participated in the tendering.?

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