


The third central environmental protection inspection team went to Jinzhai Environment to investigate and guide ecological environmental protection work
Date:2021-04-26 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

        On the morning of April 24, 2021, Liu Weiping, the leader of the third central environmental protection inspection team, Li Chunliang, the deputy leader, and a group of 7 people visited Jinzhai Environment for research and guidance. Sun Yunfei, member of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Lu'an Municipal Party Committee, Yu Jie, Director of the Inspectorate Office of the Anhui Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and second-level inspector, Pan Dongxu, deputy secretary of the Lu'an Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Jinzhai County Party Committee, and comrades in charge of relevant departments accompanied the investigation.Li Daming, deputy general manager of Conch Venture, led the members of the Jinzhai Environment team to warmly receive the inspection team.


        The inspection team went to the production site to investigate the production and operation status of pollutant control and discharge, environmental protection equipment and facilities operation, environmental protection consumables use and online monitoring equipment management.

        During the period, Sun Yunfei reported that currently, Conch Venture has deployed three waste incineration power generation projects in the surrounding counties and districts of Lu'an, basically achieving full coverage of the harmless disposal of domestic waste. Comprehensively improve the level of regional ecological environment governance, and focus on building a new pattern of ecological civilization development in Lu'an City. Li Daming gave a detailed introduction to the inspection team on the implementation of important environmental protection measures such as storage management, total emission reduction, technological transformation, and flue gas emission standards for the Jinzhai Environment domestic waste incineration power generation project.


        Before leaving, the inspection team highly praised Conch Venture's advanced environmental management concepts and achievements in recent years. Liu Weiping said that Conch Venture, as a large-scale environmentally-friendly listed company, must continue to implement various environmental protection indicators to meet emission standards, and actively implement the social responsibilities of large enterprises. Improve the quality of the local environment, raise the level of the local economy, and make greater contributions to the development of the environmental protection industry and energy conservation and emission reduction.

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