


Conch Venture Obtained Municipal Waste Incineration Project in Ningguo
Date:2016-07-12 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

On 29?October?2015, “The Cooperation Agreement about Municipal Waste Incineration Project in Ningguo” was officially signed between government of Ningguo and Conch venture.





The?population of of Ningguo amounted to 380,000 with current waste volume of 280t-300t per day, and the current treatment is landfill. In order to enhance the harmlessness level of waste treatment, the government of Ningguo and Conch Venture had communicated for several times about the construction plan and cooperation mode.



The investment of this project is?about RMB 0.12 billion with the designed capacity of 300t per day and 100,000t per year. The waste will be collaboratively disposed by cement kiln with capacity of 5000t per day in Ningguo Conch Cement plant.

After the signing ceremony, Mr Ji Qinying went to the Ningguo Conch Cement plant.to check the project site.

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